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style is subversive: chase stopnik

May 17, 2017

The latest style subversive we've rounded up is Chase Stopnik.

As owner of HWY, one-of-a-kind vintage emporium in Los Angeles, he spends his spare time building extraordinary motorcycles, surfing the local waves and skating our hills. Chase's attitude and lifestyle exemplifies what we believe to be the core of our #styleissubversive series: independent creators, who prefer not to follow, are a healthy tonic for our collective culture and economy. 

Tell us about that very first motorcycle ride or the moment you knew bikes were your calling.

The very first ride was on my cousin Scottys triumph chopper. I stalled it about 10 times before actually taking off. Long before that I watched an old 60's biker movie and knew that that was THE SHIT. So riding a chopper was just the next step in the complete obsession.

What do you love about restoring bikes? What’s your favorite part of the process? What have you learned over the years?

I honestly love every part of it. Although, that doesn't mean it's not difficult, frustrating and make me want to pull my hair out some times. It's the small things that make the process so rewarding and challenging.

What has the process of restoring bikes taught you about life?

There's so many parallels it's amazing. I can relate just about everything to working on a motorcycle, but trouble shooting can always be the hardest part! 

When it’s time to tackle a creative project, how would you describe your aesthetic? What other creators do you look to for inspiration?  

every project starts with a part or a space or something. I think I am most keen on creating usable art. From interior decor, to motorcycles to clothing. I look up to a lot of people and things for inspiration. From music like the Stooges and David Bowie, to motorcycle builders like HawgHolic in Tokyo to an old building in the middle of nowhere that hasn't been touched in 60 years. Some of my biggest inspiration comes from wear over time.

The best ride you’ve ever gone on- go!

Los Angeles to NYC and back. 6,500 miles of America

musically, who are you listening to these days?

Lately it's been the Velvet Underground radio on Spotify. Can't go wrong there.

From the skate park to the surf to the open road, you’re always on the move. What’s the common thread between these hobbies. In what key ways, would you say, the three rides differ. 
The common thread, especially between skating and motorcycles is they're loud and dangerous... I like that kind of stuff

chase wears solemate no.1001 freeway chelsea boot in bone playa

follow chase out there..


hwy instagram

photos by magdalena wosinska

interviewed by kirby bittner

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